Lost, then found Ideas

I thought I’d lost my blog post idea, but I think I found it again.

Do you know this song? David Wilcox “Start with the Ending”. Its a great song. He comments at one point “die first, get it out of the way!”

I picked up the bundle last week of several home management, time management and life discipline. I’ve browsed all but one and started reading a few.

In one, One Bite at a Time: 52 Projects for Making Life Simpler,  Tsh Oxenreider presents 52 small habits for simplifying life. The first is “eat your frog”. She has a quote from Mark Twain:

“Eat a live frog
every morning, and
nothing worse will
happen to you the
rest of the day.”

The idea is to do what you least like first, right after your morning routine. Then whatever is left isn’t quite so bad. Of course, as I listen to Wilcox while driving to the grocery store today (by myself, very nice, but I forgot my wallet, so I had dash back home, get the wallet and dash back to get the groceries, all while running late to get dinner to friends and for my own family), I realized that if dying really were something I could just check off my list for my life, I would go ahead and get it checked off.

But, alas, it isn’t.

Thus, I start with what I can check off for that day that I don’t like. Generally, its vacuuming. And some days, eating breakfast.

So, dear reader, what is your frog?

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